Fall is here. It’s the time of year that some creatures begin to hibernate, snuggle in and shut down for the cold days ahead. We are told that it's the time of year for flannels, cozy moments, bonfires, relaxing walks and all things snuggly. 

In reality for most people, this time of year has little space for these things for a variety of reasons. In Iowa this is harvest time for farmers, definitely not a ‘slow down and sip on a warm drink for hours’ time of year. For families with school age children this can be an incredibly busy and stressful time of year adjusting to new schedules and being everywhere all the time. For college students this is a new semester with new classes, new professors, new activities and getting back into a study routine time of year. For empty nesters this can be a hard time of year learning what life looks like now with a slower schedule and without all the different activities that were once filling life. For some, this time of year is the start to months of upcoming holiday activities that may seem overwhelming, lonely or depressing. All of these times are seen by God, held by God and journeyed with God. Moving forward and staying connected to Spirit, even in the stress and weariness, is what God is asking us to do. 

Over and over and over in the Bible God is asking us to focus on Spirit ‘whenever we have the opportunity’. That opportunity may not come often or easily - even though there are plenty of social media posts making it look so easy to wrap up in a blanket for some time alone with God. I do know, however, that I have times that I could focus on Spirit instead of distracting myself with Instagram or whatever random Hallmark movie happens to be on. I think God is always reminding us, in many different ways,  to find connection and joy in the busy times, the stressful times, the lonely times, the transitional times and every time that we have a moment to pause and reflect. These little moments can add up a large warm drink in no time.