by Mark and Kim Aarsvold
In John 10:10, Jesus says he’s come so that we can have life and have it more abundantly. We believe the “abundantly” part manifests itself to us when we are blessed to be part of Christian service or lucky enough to experience opportunities to serve people in some small way.
RLC is our faith community where we share our heartfelt desires to use the gifts we are given to make the world a little bit better. We are blessed to learn and grow together as we question, study, share, and pray.
Our faith partners here have supported our love for asylum seekers, immigrants, and refugees here in Iowa and at the U.S. southern border. Each of the asylum seekers we have been blessed to meet on the southwest U.S. border have experienced injustices beyond our imaginations. In a spirit of love, our greatest Christian gift, we’ve witnessed a new hope and joy in their spirits, as we share safe shelter with them before their journeys continue throughout the U.S.. At a moment’s notice, an overflowing suitcase of donated flip flop shoes, bags, and dry goods were collected by RLC members and were delivered to new arrivals at the El Paso, TX, airport. We were blessed to see these gifts enjoyed by women and children with sore and tired feet who were preparing to travel into the US toward their new lives.
Our country’s immigration systems and processes are complicated and sometimes controversial, however; this community opens their hearts and shows an abundance of generosity. As we seek continued guidance through prayer, are we a church community that could consider planning and making a commitment to sponsoring an asylum-seeking family?
Sincerely seeking justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly,
Mark and Kim